Saturday, August 15, 2009


In a surprising turn, today the Harrisburg Patriot-News editorial board expressed dismay at the prominence given to Craig Miller for raging at Arlen Specter on national TV.

Miller's distinguishing characteristics were his anger and inability to articulate any questions having to do with the healthcare debate.

Miller, a bona fide Pennsylvania Dutchman, was captured after his eruption best on local TV and it can be viewed here.

He was a sick man, he had fibromyalgia, he hard a heart condition. What was his beef? Miller said he felt cut off at the knees at the Specter townhall meeting, a thing slightly contradicted by all the video in circulation.

DD knew entire platoons of Craig Millers in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. (As well as in the Lehigh Valley.)

As long as their tribe was in power, everything was fine. Now that they've been pushed to the fringes by national and an African-American is in the White House, their spluttering outrage cannot be contained.

Here's another great local example, from the Lehigh Valley: More Communists Advisors and Czars for Obama.

And note this particular bit of old white coot (or Ted Nugent-like) charity:

"[Obama] talks about the 47 million who don’t have health care insurance but never addresses the reasons why. Is it because they don’t want insurance or is it because they don’t want to payfor it? Could it be that they don’t consider that their most important priority and that drugs, drinking and smoking habits, among others, are more important?"

"Then there are the phony doctors, teachers and nurses showing up at Obama’s town hall meetings."

"In this increasingly heated mix, it is natural to look for ways to clarify or simplify things by putting a human face on the controversy swirling around proposed health care issues," continued the Harrisburg newspaper. "It shouldn't, however, be Craig Anthony Miller."

"[Miller's] outburst landed him on the front page of newspapers, from The Patriot-News to The New York Times and gave him a chance to vent his frustration on MSNBC and a New York City talk-radio station ... There needs to be a solid debate about health care reform in this country. We don't need another 'Joe the Plumber' distraction ... Miller might represent many things, including free speech and someone who cares deeply about his country, but his outburst doesn't shed any light on the difficult and painful choices related to health care."

Heevahava explained.


Blogger J. said...

From your Lehigh Conservative: "He is what he has learned and no different than the people he hung around with, America haters, Jew haters, Israel haters, Christian haters and conservative haters, all of them!"

There's some kind of irony for such a hate-filled spewer of misinformaiton to be saying such a thing. "It's not me that's hatin', it's alla THEM. Git my gun, Elvira."

10:11 AM  
Blogger George Smith said...

Yeah, there's no beating the LVC for precious bon mots.

From today:

The ignorant Republican politicians have no idea how to fight against Satan ...

And this from the Ted Nugent School and Prosperity Institute:

Instead of helping the poor get on their feet and helping the poor to help themselves, the Democrats decided to give entitlements instead. It got them plenty of votes and the Dems said: Ah, this is good, we need to create more poor so that we will get even more votes! Obama wants to extend the entitlements to health-care for everyone. He also wants to help with the purchase of cars by his “cash for clunkers” program.

11:20 AM  

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