Friday, March 20, 2009


Another in an infrequent series

This just in, hot off the press of a newspaper in Bumblefu--, TX:

"Around the world, up to two billion people have died — depending upon whose count one uses — and in the United States alone deaths could total one third of the population," reports a local newspaper for a small town in Guadalupe County.

Yes, it's time for another weekly bioterror scenario. Forget about the real catastrophe, another 600,000 plus out of work nationwide thanks to American big business financial terrorists.

We've read it thousands of times before, but nothing gets the blood rushing in newsmedia USA like thinking about s--- that's never going to happen and how more money and time has to be taken to stop it.

It's a pandemic -- bioterrorism -- that threatens mankind, even down to Seguin, Texas, wherever that is.

"Were it to happen tomorrow, though, local officials would fail in [their efforta] because they lack the local volunteers needed to try to stop the outbreak," it continues.

Yes, another paleful of fail, because we are never properly prepared for bioterrorism or pandemic flu. (Incidentally, local newspapers reported last week this year's flu season was exceptionally mild in southern California.)

"[Two local officials] are preparing for a May 2 dress rehearsal of a pandemic disaster at [a local school]," reports the newspaper. "Volunteers will set up and operate a 'drive through' in which they will take a practice run at registering, screening and pretending to inoculate 100 volunteers so they can identify whatever problems might come up and prepare to meet them ... The same procedures with minor changes would apply to any similar emergency, such as an outbreak of smallpox or an anthrax or ricin attack ... "

"Were Guadalupe County to attempt to handle such traffic in one lane in five locations, each line would be 41 miles long, said [one official]. For San Antonio, the lines would be more than 2,000 miles long — the distance from Calgary, Alberta to San Antonio."

Doomed, as usual. How long is the line at the local soup kitchen these days?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seguin = ~60km ENE of San Antonio.
Mostly known for pecans.

As everyone knows pecans are nuts and I heard once that cyanide has something to do with almonds. So there is a clear bioterror chemical WMD threat.

6:50 PM  

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